What the Cinema

Concretely, says cinema can not be translated, as we can easily describe the one thing that can be grasped. In other words, cinema does not have existed, but the form and nature concept metafisis (fictive). This case is similar to the effort to try to define the style pull earth (gravity) is done by Newton. On the naked eye, gravity can not be seen and grasped, but he is and present in our midst. What is done by Newton is doing the exploration of meaning through a series of experiments and calculations to prove the existence of gravity.

The same thing happened to the word 'evil'. In-sociological study of criminology, crime is very difficult to explain easily. The member shall still have limitations for different definition of evil. Many public believe that stab people with a knife is evil, but not necessarily so, precisely the right word for the event is 'murder'. Another example, take the goods of others without the owners' knowledge of goods, is often said to be evil, but more accurate to say that the incident was' stealing '. Therefore,-sociological criminology expert believes that to gain an understanding of evil can only be done by reading the behavior patterns, relationships between perpetrators and victims, social reactions, and raised questions about the loss.

Back to the question of cinema, if questioned sense, we are not directly confronted with immediate reference source containing complete information about geology and geography of cinema, because cinema basically said to lead to a strict definition. As Andre Bazin explained in Qu'es-ce que le Cinema?, That to get a sense of cinema, we should do the reading for film critics are presented in day-to-day reflection, to send us on a row of knock sensors, exploration and pengilasan him. However, to facilitate us in doing a review of the meaning or definition of cinema, Bazin provide keywords, that is the language of cinema (Bazin, 1945; 1958).

Based on the experience and intensity jog with anything related to film and cinema, the authors have their own sense of cinema. During this time we believe that cinema (derived from the English word, cinema) has meaning in Bahasa Indonesia as a movie theater. For writers, cinema more accurate to say that means positioned as close to the culture or behavior that caused / done by the community or individuals within its intersection with what we know as a movie (or rather, cinema itself is a culture of watching movies).

Authors acknowledge that says cinema very closely to what we know as culture watch. Thus, the author refers to the understanding of cultural watching moving images that can vary from each other, we can also distinguish between film and video (television).

Film has attitude (attitude, behavior, or behavior) that is different from the video (television). Watching a movie to go through some sort of ritual that can not be avoided by the audience. The authors ritual purposes are several steps that should be done by the audience to enjoy the show as a movie. This refers to the understanding of the authors of the film as a work of cinema has authority possessed by spectators while, indirectly, a party that passive in accepting the view that moving images appear.

Illustrations are if we want to watch a movie shown in a movie theater, we should find showtimes in advance, then we have to buy tickets to get seats. We have to sit in a dark room with a large screen when you want to watch a movie. In addition, there is a kind of cinema in the collective agreement that the audience can not make a fuss over the movie played from start to finish. Thus, the audience is not active for X movie plays inside cinema A. The chain of events seems to be obligatory ritual for every person who wants to watch a movie as it should.

It is different when we watch the video (moving image through television or other device, such as a DVD player). Viewers do not have any obligation to do some sort of ritual as done while watching in the cinema. If we have a TV or DVD player at home or a private room, we can do the activities that we like while watching, and do not need to turn off the lights to make the room becomes dark. We can also do in the first pause the currently playing, or change the television channel to select the run that we like. At this point, the use of film and its meaning is said to be ambiguous, because what we watch has indeed become video material. Said film only refers to the first viewing is intended by the manufacturer to make the movie work.

Difference is attitude and way of watch is the author understand the culture watch. Film has its own attitude, as well as video (television). Characteristics possessed by the film with his typical attitude was a cultural behaviors believed to be the author of Cinema: dark space, silence, the audience becomes passive and is under the control of the film itself. Thus, thus we will realize that the cinema would use words in the "Cinema Night", "Penta Early Cinema Today", "Cinema Hidayah", "Cinema Gallery", "Cinema Trans TV", and so on various television stations program is one thing that confused.


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